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建立 5 mths 13 days ago 2024-09-29 7:20 PM 星期日 麥曉輝
更新 3 mths 3 days ago 2024-12-11 6:07 PM 星期三 技術支援
Hearing God is not a mechanical process — it’s a relational pursuit.When listening for God’s voice (especially his guidance), it’s wise not to try too hard. But passivity is also not the answer.Instead, you can build an ongoing conversational relationship with the Spirit of Jesus. Then your spiritual senses will always be alert to his voice and his communication methods.Here are six uncommon but proven ways of hearing God. These spiritual practices will help cultivate your attunement to the Holy Spirit so you’re prepared to hear God when he whispers to you:#1 Lectio DivinaBenedict of Nursia (6th Century) developed Lectio Divina — a spiritual discipline of slowly and prayerfully reading and re-reading a Scripture passage to receive God’s word for your life. Each round of reading emphasizes a different focus: listening for a “highlighted” word or phrase, processing your emotions with Jesus, and responding to his personal invitation.Our Lectio Divina Guides can help direct you through listening for God’s voice while praying Scripture.#2 FastingFasting from food (or something else like social media) creates a space of time and energy for listening to God. It’s especially powerful when combined with feasting on God’s Word (Acts 13:2-4, 14:23).#3 Listen to Your HeartMany people trust their thoughts but not their emotions. Yet, both are centers of intelligence and valuable for discernment when submitted to God.Learning to feel and become emotionally healthy helps you open your whole soul to Abba in deeper trust and intimacy. The Psalmist models this for us when he trusts the Lord to counsel him in his heart, which is the source of his deepest desires (Psalm 16:7).#4 Dream Interpretation God can speak in your dreams. In some cases, it’s a direct word, but more commonly, it comes in a kaleidoscope of seemingly random emotional scenes that rise from your unconscious mind. The meaning is usually more in the inward spiritual-emotional themes than the outward form (Genesis 40:8; Daniel 1:17).#5 IndifferenceIn his book, The Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius teaches that to know God’s will on an “election” (a choice that is not a moral issue) it’s best to become indifferent to the options.You can abandon outcomes to the Lord because you can be happy in Christ during any situation. Then, like a weather vane, you wait for the wind of the Spirit to blow you where he pleases (John 3:8).#6 Take a BreakDallas Willard teaches a paradoxical method to hear God. If you’ve spent concentrated time listening for God and haven’t heard anything, it’s helpful to stop trying. Instead, you can take a break and do a mindless activity like gardening, chores, or errands. (I like to go for a jog.)This waiting on the word cultivates deep trust in God and his timing. It makes space for a divine thought or feeling to pop into your mind! (Psalm 25:5; 130:5).